Welcome to MELLETTE MOMENTS...a place to find out what's going on in Mellette's world. Pictures, stories, verses, and all kinds of JOYS from our JOURNEY will fill this blog.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What a Wonderful Weekend

A weekend full of fun on motorcycles, 4-wheelers, and just being with family...

My sisters, Mom and Me - being silly!

Too Cute!


My niece who recently turned 8

My parents with their 9 grandchildren

Everyone acting SILLY!

A Wonderful Time - Why Do Weekends Go SOOOO FAST????


  1. I agree. Way too fast. Your fam is TOO CUTE. Thanks for posting these. Makes me want to go the cabin....well lets just go to Greenview! :-)

  2. You all know how to make "fun" happen. It brings me great joy to see families enjoying time spent together. You are all creating such special memories. I know because I listen to my girls share about their growing up mountain weekend memories. What fun!
