Welcome to MELLETTE MOMENTS...a place to find out what's going on in Mellette's world. Pictures, stories, verses, and all kinds of JOYS from our JOURNEY will fill this blog.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Most Memorable Gift Ever Given or Received

Every week on "Get to Know You Tuesday" in my class, I ask my students a question about themselves. Last Tuesday's question was
"What was your most memorable gift ever given or received?"
I introduced this question by telling them about my most memorable gift I ever gave.

My dad & his sisters

My dad's dad was orphaned at 13. He moved around to his older brother's homes, and didn't get much of a formal education. At 19, a "friend" accidentally shot him in the heart. The doctors said it would be more harmful to try to remove the bullet from the lining of his heart, so it stayed there until his death at 80-years-old. When my grandfather was killed in a car accident on the way to my 16th birthday party, they did an autopsy and I told my dad they should remove that bullet in the lining of my grandpa's heart. They did and for some time, that bullet was kept inside a little envelope in my dad's desk.

When my grandpa died in that car accident, we found an envelope in his had blood on it, but we saw it said, "Love Wanda". Since my grandma had died a year and half earlier, my grandpa had to sharpen up his writing skills. I don't ever recall him ever writing my name before I saw it there on that blood-stained envelope. Inside was a $20 bill! That was huge for my grandpa! I saved that $20 for a LONG time.
I finally figured out what I wanted to do with that $20. With the help of my mom, we made a very special framed display of my grandpa's picture, an engraved plaque and that bullet that was in the lining of his heart for so many years. We wrapped it up and gave it to my dad and he hung it in his bedroom where he can see it every day.

So that was my favorite or most memorable gift I ever gave. The most memorable gift I ever received was my niece who was born on my 19th birthday. She's also one of my students and so I asked her to come up to the front of my class before I shared that part of my little story. I probably embarrassed her, but I don't care! She was such a gift - to become an aunt for the very first time on my birthday! WOW!

My niece "passing out" chocolate

This time of year we talk a lot about gifts and presents. We spend a lot of time shopping and wrapping the "perfect" gift for our loved ones. But, why do we give gifts anyways? We give gifts to remind us of the Gift that was given to us some 2,000 years ago: God's Son, Jesus. The wise men gave Him gifts and so, in honor of Jesus' birthday, we give our loved ones gifts.

What's your most memorable gift ever given or received?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy 50th a Little Early!

My mom's eldest brother and his wife will soon be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary! What an accomplishment! My cousin and his wife organized one memorable anniversary celebration over the Thanksgiving holiday. My family and I were able to travel south to visit family we haven't seen in some time.

What's really amazing is that the Anniversary Couple are also battling cancer, but their health was strong enough to celebrate the golden anniversary.

The Crew that Traveled South


My Mom & Her One Brother

My Uncle & Aunt

My Mom & Her Brothers - a Rose Between 2 Thorns! hahaha
Happy Anniversary, Aunt Dot & Uncle Gil!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Blind Side

On Thanksgiving day, my sister volunteered to watch our children while my parents, the hubby and I all went to the movies to see
"The Blind Side."
WOW! What a remarkably GOOD movie! A must see! Check it out...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ten Years Ago

Thanksgiving ten years ago was very special. I was living at home with my parents and I was enjoying the holiday with my fiance & my parents. I was in my final year of college and making plans for our upcoming wedding. The day after Thanksgiving, my dad - the hunter that he is - decided to drive north to go hunting. So like every Black Friday, my mom and I dug out her Christmas decorations & were getting the house ready for Christmas. My future hubby, Mom and I paused for a quick dinner.
We had the Evening News on while we were eating and couldn't believe we heard the town of Honey Brook mentioned on the news. Honey Brook is a VERY small town - not particularly note-worthy. We commented,
"Wow! The news must really be slow
if they mentioned Honey Brook!"
After supper, we resumed our "decking the halls". The phone rang. Hmm. Seems the alarm was going off at Mom & Dad's company in Honey Brook. Mom didn't usually get phone calls like that...managers do. Odd. But, the caller said,
"You need to get down here right away."
Mom didn't even wait for me to put my shoes on. She got in her car and zoomed the 10-15 minutes to Honey Brook. Jerad and I got in his car, too. When we neared Honey Brook, a road block stopped us. When I mentioned to the officer that my parents own Zook Molasses. His face got solemn -
"Oh, okay. You can go."
The night was very dark and it was raining, but the sight we saw when we pulled up to Zook Molasses was something I'll never forget. A tornado ripped through my parents' company. The roof was missing, insulation was scattered, walls were torn apart. I walked around the building with Mom and Jerad with my mouth dropped.
I'll just never forget that night.
A small boat from a home about 2 miles away was jammed into the one side of the building. Debris was everywhere. An Amish barn behind their property was leveled. It was so unexpected. I had never heard of a tornado in November in these parts.
I mean, we're not in Kansas, Toto.
Mom called my dad and he drove back home. Our family - especially my parents - didn't get a lot of sleep that next week. Lots of cleaning up, T.V. interviews, and insurance calls & visits. I remember people - thoughtful family & friends - coming to Honey Brook to help with the clean-up effort, bringing a meal, sending cards, praying for our family.
What I remember most was the fact that on Thanksgiving day, my family was so thankful for so many things. The very next day, my family was thankful - but for so many different things. No one was working the night of the tornado. Why? It was a holiday weekend. Only God could have orchestrated that.
What a gift.
No one was injured.
Another thing that meant SO much to me & again proves to me that God cares about even the little things in our lives. Remember how my dad had been on his way to the mountains to go hunting? Well, one morning that next week after the tornado, my dad decided he'd do a little hunting in his back yard. He shot the biggest buck he ever got in PA that very morning! What a special gift God gave him!
We were all so glad for that piece of joy in my dad's day!
One final thing, I've just got to parents never dreamed they'd have to face such an ordeal. Never would have thought they'd be interviewed on Philadelphia TV News and yet they seemed so "prepared." Their response to the tornado was breathtaking. They praised God for so much! They weren't devastated. They weren't defeated. They were ready for the battle. They didn't even skip a beat. I was SHOCKED to see them at church on Sunday morning - after working so hard and so late the night before - in a CLEAN car!
"You stopped to wash your car on the way to church?"
Mom said, "Of course! We always want to look our best when we go to worship God."
I just shook my head in awe.
How were they so ready? I believe it's because of their daily walk with God. They commit to reading God's Word every day - no matter where they are. They're not perfect, none of us are, but they were ready for the battle ahead of them.
Here's a Bible verse that Mom's dear friend wrote "Tornado 1999" beside:
"Call upon me in the day of trouble;
I will deliver you, and you will honor me."
Psalm 50:15
God is good! Happy Thanksgiving! What are YOU thankful for?
Here's a newspaper clipping....
HONEY BROOK, PA (Nov. 28, 1999) -- An unusual tornado struck a small
town in the Pennsylvania Dutch country Friday evening, destroying
four homes and significantly damaging 20 others.
The tornado -- not only unseasonable in November but unusual for this
area in eastern Pennsylvania -- also leveled a barn and caused an
estimated $2 million worth of damage to the Zook Molasses and Good
Food, Inc. factory, said Marko Borne, public information officer for
the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Office.
Honey Brook, a town of just 1,100 people, is located about 30 miles
east of Lancaster.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Heritage Day

Little Bear - Also Known As - "Our French Huguenot"
and His Cousin, "Amish Eli"...

Thanking God for the countries their ancestors came from...

Puerto Rico, England...

...Puerto Rico (again), Haiti...
...Wales, England, Switzerland, France...
....and so many more countries. The 2nd grade teacher decorated the Elementary Library for a Thanksgiving Feast of Food From Around the World!
Here are 2 amazing moms who helped organize and serve the yummy food. The mom on the left speaks French - so cool! For my Quebec friends, French spoken in these parts of America is NOT common. The mom on the right was a few grades ahead of me in school - how fun that now our children are in school together!

A VERY Fun Day Celebrating their Heritage! Ireland, Scotland, Holland, France (again) and Germany.

Isn't my nephew a hoot in his little Amish get-up?!!? Just precious!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Heritage Day

Take One for Little Bear's Thanksgiving Heritage Day at his school....just precious! He made a few mistakes in this one, but the final oops is the cutest!!!

Here's Take 2!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Almost A Year Ago

It's hard to believe, but next month will mark ONE YEAR AGO that my dear hubby graduated with his Master's in Ministry! I'm still so proud of him and thankful for this accomplishment in his life! God is good!
After having a tremendously challenging week with his clients - aged 12 - 17 years old - who are either on probation or a child/youth case, I thought I'd post something encouraging for my hubby to think about!
I love you, Jerad!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"Fall Fun"

Our son played a piano duet with his piano teacher today in his elementary chapel...check it out!
Can't believe he's already in 2nd grade! Time flies!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

School Pictures

My Precious
Kindergarten Picture...
...and, my Handsome, Suave
Second Grade Picture!

I'm loving their pictures...hope you don't mind me showing them off! I couldn't resist!
Have a great weekend!

Friday, November 6, 2009


There's a fun song I learned in Jamaica YEARS ago...


Joy in the Holy Ghost

J-O-Y, Joy

Joy in the Lord

Don't let nobody steal your joy

Don't let nobody steal your joy

Don't let nobody steal your joy

JOY in the Lord!

You can insert other words like Hope, Love, and Zeal. It's such a fun song that includes my absolutely favorite word, JOY!

I included this joyful picture of my niece who had her 8th birthday September 30...where does the time go? A couple of weeks ago, this precious niece broke her arm but she still exudes the JOY of the Lord!

Happy Healing, dear one!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Another Cool Video...

Such great pictures of Brandon Styer...our daughter even made it in this video. Pretty cool!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Enjoying the Expressions

My sister is hosting an ONLINE CATALOG Uppercase Living Show! Check out my website...if you see something you'd like, email me at . Uppercase Living has beautiful expressions, striking images, and charming embellishments to find just what you need to turn your home into a reflection of you. No matter what room of your home needs distinction, we have something you will love. For even more creative options, design your very own expression using the Uppercase Living MyDesign™ Tool. Both catalog items and custom expressions can be quickly and easily applied to your walls. I would be happy to answer any questions or help you place your order. No pressure!
My website: (Don't type www)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Mighty Fortress

Here's my hubby singing Luther's "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" on Reformation Day! We didn't even realize that October 31 was Reformation Day...the song was so fitting. He sang it at our church for a fundraising dinner/concert for a mission's team that will be headed to Guatemala in February. Enjoy!
My apologies for the unsteady hand and children had just eaten chocolate cupcakes! Need I say more???

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Remembering an American Hero

I found this really awesome website that honors our troops in a very special way. Please check out this link...

I was pleased to see so many websites that featured Brandon, an American Hero...

A Link from The Washington Post led me to this one...

The recipient of the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star....

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Brighter Days

On a rainy day, it's fun to reflect on brighter days!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


My 6th grade class has the word "exaggerate" for one of their spelling words. On Monday when I was explaining/defining the new spelling list, I gave this example for the word exaggerate...

"To exaggerate is to say, 'My husband is so hot, when I look at him my eyelids burn!'
True, he is hot, but my eyelids burning is a bit over-the-top!"

My "hot" hubby feels so bad for my students some days - he's sure they probably feel ill on a regular basis due to my "endearing" stories about my love for him!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Joys of Being

Joy is my absolute favorite word. It's no surprise the Pretty Little Princess has JOY as her middle name! I just adore Joy - what it means academically: the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires; the expression or exhibition of such emotion; a state of happiness or felicity; a source or cause of delight AND what it means to me spiritually: it's not "happiness", but a personal decision to fully trust God - no matter the outcome or circumstance - and to exude the Delight and the Dweller of my heart - the Holy Spirit. I totally made that up, so if that doesn't make sense, forgive me!

Sometimes living "in this world" but desperately trying hard to not be "of this world" can get a little bit discouraging. Face it, we live in a sinful world. So, to encourage ya'll and to spread some joy, here are some JOYFUL BLESSINGS in my life...

Meeting a different physical therapist yesterday who just "happened" to be a refreshing!

Okay, so I don't REALLY look like this, but after all those neck exercises, I FEEL like this!

Teaching at my Alma mater! I LOVED the time I had at home as a STAY-AT-HOME MOM, but I also LOVE TEACHING!

This is a picture of my one niece that I GET to TEACH! Not sure if she's too thrilled, but I am!

Living with my BEST FRIEND!!!
(Hands off, Ladies...he's MY MAN! I can just see my sisters rolling their eyes and getting upset stomachs!)

Being the mother to the TWO BEST CHILDREN EVER!!!
(I feel bad for the rest of you, but I'm just so blessed! wink wink)

A phone call from a college friend who lives in NYC,
An afternoon of silence,
A high school friend delivering healthy twin boys one-hour apart but on 2 different dates,
A Canadian friend announcing she's pregnant with #3,
A college friend - unable to conceive - and chooses to adopt,
A thank you note from a student,
An American Hero who died protecting our country & who is now enjoying God's presence,
An email from a friend,
AND blogging friend!

There are SOOOO many other joyful blessings in my life, but there's not enough time or space on this blog entry to tell you.
What's a JOYFUL BLESSING in YOUR life????