Welcome to MELLETTE MOMENTS...a place to find out what's going on in Mellette's world. Pictures, stories, verses, and all kinds of JOYS from our JOURNEY will fill this blog.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Our "New" Kitchen

On Saturday over breakfast, my hottie husband made the mistake of saying, "Today is YOUR day, Wanda. Whatever you want to get done today, we'll get done!" I'm guessing his coffee hadn't kicked in at that point! What a help he was! My overindulgent idea was to paint our kitchen cabinets!

Unfortunately, you won't see the before pics...that's because when I first thought about taking the before picture, the cabinet doors were already off! Oops! But, if you can just imagine, it was simply UGLY! The cabinets were painted a dreadful white and I attempted to stencil some cute butterflies and things on it to make the white look better. I kept thinking that the white cabinets would make the kitchen look brighter, but dirt and spills kept appearing so quickly! I felt like I could never clean the cabinets enough!

The first picture is of our pretty little princess keeping busy on the playground while Daddy was sanding the cabinet door and I was beginning the painting. She's saying "What's Up?" Not sure where she got that, but she sounds so adorable saying it!

I didn't get a picture of our son because he was on the computer at that point. The other day at school he got a "Gold Card", he got it for good behavior and as a reward we allowed him to become a member on "Club Penguin"...a fun website for kids.

When our pretty princess got tired of saying, "What's Up", she decided to help Daddy with the sanding...

Here's the finished product...thankfully my dear hubby fixed all of my oops and mess-ups! Here's his little coffee nuk...

In March we had to get a new frig when our 9 year-old frig suddenly died. Thank God for parents who can help out in a jam! Too bad the lighting in this pic is so's a very dark dreary day out today.

One of the corner cabinets...

"Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs." Psalm 100:1,2

1 comment:

  1. Wanda, did you thank God for blessing you with a husband that makes you an offer like he did? What a huge undertaking and what a beautiful completed job!! It looks so nice!! Maybe your husband should teach courses to newly married guys. Thank you for sharing this. I wish you and your family a very special and meaningful Easter together.
