Sick as a Dog...that's what I am...let me fill you in on my "Trying to Get FIT, Now I'm Fatter" ordeal...
Thursday a week ago, I asked my middle sister to meet me at the rec to work out with me. The last time I worked out that week I had focused on my abs...this day I focused on my legs. I finished all of my leg exercises and began working out with my sister. Here's where my pride gets in the way...

My sister (both of sisters for that matter) is physically fit, gorgeous and much slender than I. My only boasting rights come in to play when we get to the bench. The bar is 30-pounds itself but I'm able to add weights to it and do 3 sets of 15 reps. That's probably not anything too impressive...I'm thinking of my dear Naval Academy friend who can out-lift me any day of the week....but, for me, I was excited that I could out-lift my sister who is 2 years older than me and, again, is SO physically fit.
My big head quickly popped, my ego put in check when that teeny tiny sister introduced me to the 10-pound ball exercises.

Our ever-fit, gorgeous 60-something mother had taught my sister these ab workouts with the 10-pound, it should be safe for this 32-year-old to do, right? I mean, COME ON, my MOM does them.

My Fit Parents
When I neared the end of my second set of 20 reps - I felt like I couldn't do one more, but I HAD to do 2 more...I couldn't let my sister see me weak, right? I didn't realize how my pride was eating me alive! Proverbs 11:2 says it SO well: The stuck-up fall flat on their faces, but down-to-earth people stand firm. Without even knowing I did it - I didn't feel any pain - I tore my rectus muscle.

Unbeknown to me, I started bleeding internally. God was certainly with me in a very special way because that very afternoon I drove my children and my nephew ALONE to Ocean City, New Jersey! I spent the night alone with these 3 little ones until the rest of the adults came later the next evening. Still, the only pain I was having was the normal "good" workout pain.
At home on Wednesday, May 27 I awoke to a new pain on the left side of my pelvis. Could this STILL be from my workout with my sister LAST week...almost a WHOLE week later? I continued on with my normal activities. This particular morning I had an appointment at the nutritionists. Everything was going well until I had to sit up (I had been laying on the nurtioinist's examining table). It felt like something ripped inside of me. I groaned, but again, there was that pride thing. I excused myself to take a phone call from my hubby....I was SO thankful for his timing. As soon as I walked out of the nutritionist's house, I burst into tears! I was in so much pain!
A Picture of What I Felt Like
Determined not to be a wimp, I drove my almost 5-year-old and the 4-year-old boy I watch to my nephews' trophy ceremony at gymnastics. I knew one of my nurse friends would be there. Unfortunately, she didn't know why I was in pain either. I called my hubby and told my mom of my pain, too. I drove home.
At home, the pain became EXCRUCIATING!!! Thankfully, my dear hubby was home for lunch. He made an appointment at our family doctor's, but that wasn't until 1:15. It was 12:00. I couldn't take it. I told him he had to drive me to the Emergency Room NOW.

My precious mother drove herself (and 2 of my nephews) as fast as she could to my house to watch my kiddos. We couldn't get to the hospital fast enough - in my opinion. When they wheeled me into the ER, I heard them say there were 5-6 people ahead of me in line. UGH! Soon the pain was SO intense - I thank God - I passed out.
I became the next patient in line. Just a side note...just when I couldn't endure the pain another moment, God allowed me to pass out...what a gift that was! He made our bodies SO beautifully and wonderfully!
This long story is getting even longer...sorry...I'll try to be brief. Initially, they thought it was a Kidney Stone, but that was quickly ruled out. Then, I had 2 ultrasounds - one external, one internal. After those results, the doctor suggested it could be one of 2 things - a very large cyst on my ovary OR Colon Cancer. Not great odds. If that doesn't get a person with Obsessive - Compulsive Disorder a little freaked out, I don't know what does!
A CT Scan determined I had internal bleeding from a tear in my rectus muscle.

CT Scan machine
After being in the ER from about 1pm -11:30pm, I was admitted. I stayed in the hospital until I was discharged at 3pm on Saturday. My blood count was stabilizing so I was permitted to go home!
Now I'm on house arrest - I mean - bed rest...pretty much. I can't work or drive and wouldn't dream of doing either as of yet. God is good and I'm so thankful for the visits, calls and prayers on my behalf. Since a lost between 2-3 pints of blood inside of myself, I now look like I'm pregnant, but I'M NOT! With great love, thoughtfulness and generosity, my parents bought me some dresses to accommodate this new look. Groan. I'm not groaning at my parents and their kindness but rather my "new look". When I asked the doctor when the swelling will go down, he said, "Your body will absorb the blood and your swelling should go down by LABOR DAY! " September. Whoa. And, that's my ordeal with "Trying to Get Fit, Now I'm Fatter."
But, I can't end this post on such a negative point, the Lord put this verse on my heart just brings tears to my eyes...
"The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
Wanda! I still can't believe that all happened to you. What a crazy ordeal. We've been really praying and thinking of you often! I always enjoy how you recount stories, complete with images and all :)
ReplyDeleteWe'll take EXTRA great care for you when we see you.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your post of your recent ordeal. I have been praying for you, but had no idea what had happened. Wow, so many blessings along the way of God's care for you.
Thanks for your fine testimony and your faithfulness to the Lord, I am sure He will continue to use you for His glory.
I'll be praying,
love, jul
Wanda, Wanda, Wanda, I am totally amazed at this newest post. I had a few extra minutes in my day this afternoon, and I thought I'd take a visit to your beautiful blog. I read...and read and felt horrible for you. What a story!! You poor thing! You must have a tremendously high pain tolerance considering all the things you did even though you had pain. It is difficult to understand how and why God allows the things that He does, but I for one want you to know I think you will look good even if your stomach is a bit swollen. You just flash everyone that million dollar smile, and they'll never think about your stomach.