My new Dogwood Tree

My hubby & children are doing a GREAT job at keeping my plants watered!

If you know me, you know I really enjoy flowers. It's not a burden for me to pull weeds, water the flowers, etc. I adore it! I look forward to it every Spring & Summer! But, with this "delightful" mass on my belly, I can't be bending over to maintain my little flower gardens. That's enough to make me rather cranky inside! But, yesterday I was determined NOT to CRY, as I told Little Bear. His response was, "Mommy, aren't you allowed to cry?" My children have been so understanding with the whole "Be careful with Mommy's hurt belly." They are always saying, "Oh, Mommy! Don't bend over, let me get that!" I'm so thankful and so blessed!

Little Bear had some difficulty with some of the deep-rooted weeds, but said, "Mommy, God's giving me the strength to do this!"

On Monday, it was difficult NOT to bend over and pull weeds. Since our Pretty Little Princess' birthday party was later on in the evening, I needed to take it easy - store up my energy! So, I walked around for a little bit pointing out to Little Bear which ones were the weeds he needed to be pulling.
Proud about pulling out the WHOLE ROOT of that Stubborn Weed
I kept telling myself, I need to remember what my dear hubby was gently reminding me of on Sunday when I was having a pity party for myself....Being at church for the first time was very humbling...Was everyone looking at my BIG BELLY? When I was about to get knee deep in my self-wallowing, my ever-wise hubby leaned over and said, "Wanda, instead of thinking about yourself, why not think about others?" Ouch! Was he ever right?!!?
This is ME feeling dog-tied, dog-tired, doggone
-sad-for-myself...yea, that doesn't help anyone! Shame on ME!
(Photo illustration by our beagle, ROCKY)
Back to gardening...I pulled out my little lawn chair, sat down, and was determined to ENJOY the moment - watching our son serve with a joyful attitude! Once I did that, I saw God's BEAUTIFUL CREATION. I marveled at a jumbo bumblebee finding nectar in a bunch of my flowers. I tried getting a picture of him, but he was too fast.
Can you see him in the upper left hand corner?

He's hiding in the blossom in this picture.
How cool is God's Creation?!!?
The summer hasn't started out like anything I ever imagined, but God's goodness has been overflowing. I've witnessed and been blessed by the goodness of God's people, I've been amazed at the helpfulness of our children, our family and friends, and God has given me more than I ever could have imagined! He is SO good!
The Monday after I came home from the hospital, I got a phone call from the principal at our children's school....I was offered the Middle School English Teaching position! In the Fall, I'll be teaching PART-TIME at the school both of our children will be attending. How awesome is that?!!?
And, today I heard from my family doctor...I've STABILIZED!!!! I'm guessing that means my blood count is back where it's supposed to be! Wahoo! That's good news!
This verse is a good reminder, chastisement, conviction, etc., etc. for me...
"Be still, and know that I am God..."
Psalm 46:10
Being Still and Being Me hasn't always been easy, but when I sit back and BASK in all of the good things God has and is doing for me, it's SIMPLY a JOY!!!
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