(This "Picture" is SO painful to post - but you get the point)
...That's what I keep reminding myself. IT'S NOT ALWAYS GOING TO BE LIKE THIS! Wanda, you're not always going to have 2-3 pints of blood stuck in your belly causing you to look like you're pregnant. It's not always going to be painful like this. The pain WILL go away eventually. You will be able to sleep through the night without sleepy medicine. You'll be able to pick up your children and toss them on the bed to tickle them silly. You're children WON'T always remember you stuck in bed all the time. I'm writing all of these reminders as part of my therapy (ha ha)!
My Mom Reading a Bedtime Story to My Children
My Almost 5-Year-old as Spry as Ever
My Totally Cool 7-Year-Old & My Pretty Little Princess Chillin'
I have had a change of scenery since my last posting, which is such a blessing. My gracious parents opened up their beach house to me and my children - how generous! My thoughtful mother drove me and my 2 little ones down to her beach house on Wednesday. Before we left for our little adventure, she asked one of the church secretaries if she could borrow a wheelchair for me....would you believe that dear secretary and her husband bought a wheelchair and a walker for anyone who may need to borrow one? WHAT A CREATIVE and VERY THOUGHTFUL MINISTRY they have! So, now I'm riding around in style because of this couple's kindness!
A Surprise Fireworks Display Thursday Evening. (I didn't even have to change my spot - the Lazy Boy was the perfect location for this show!)

This SMILE Wipes Away ALL my Worries!
I was ESPECIALLY Useful When I Pulled Little Bear's Tooth (the red on his hand is from markers)
On Friday, when my mom had to leave I actually shed a few tears -call it the medicine or not -but, that woman sure knows how to take care of her baby! Friday evening, my hottie hubby joined the rest of his little family. His presence was so welcoming!!!!
Playing UNO with Our Children
Even more welcoming than my hubby's presence is the EVER-PRESENCE of my HEAVENLY FATHER...
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6
Wanda, I had no idea you were going through such deep waters at this time of your life. I read what you posted last but I thought in a few days it would pass...how very wrong I was. I am so sorry. Thank goodness for your dear and giving family to help you through this rough part of the journey.
ReplyDeleteI was writing a comment earlier, but life (ie: small children) interrupted.
Anyhow,you have been on my mind and heart all weekend long. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make that unwelcome bulge you've aquired go away, and make the pain diminish...but my wand has YET to be delivered! (I placed the order years and years ago!!!).
You know all the verses, and you know the Truth, so I won't give any little sermonette. Just know I am praying and if you ever want to slip into a short little pity party, just for a minute, (some call this venting), I am open for an invite! (even if it's just a reading 'participant'!).
You are still beautiful...you ALWAYS have been, and always will!!!
Enjoy Ocean City, my other favorite place on earth!Breath in a big old breath of that warm, salty sea air for me.