In the elevator at CHOP...
Here we go!
When we got to the front desk, Daddy said,
"We'd like one heart surgery and a side of fries!"
7am humor.
I got my animals. I'm good to go. I got the snake at Cracker Barrel and Mister Jeff, our children's pastor, gave me this special puppy.

Giving Mom a "thumbs up" - I think she was more scared than me! Check out the fact that I don't have a pillow in this picture....

....But, in this picture I do! A lady who had a child in the oncology unit for many years, decided to make pillowcases for patients. I told my wonderful nurse my favorite color - red - and then, since it was SO obvious that I'm in love with animals, she got me a red pillowcase with kitties on them! How cool is that?!!? I get to keep this pillowcase!
When I was in my 5 hour surgery, Mommy and Daddy had a surprise visit from their friends at their mission headquarters (Fellowship International Mission)...Francisco and Dean. They drove TWO hours from Allentown to spend two hours with Mommy and Daddy so they could keep their mind off of worrying about me.
Each hour my parents got an update on how I was doing. The doctors were able to get me in SVT mode - they got my heart to race - and found my extra electrical "cord". It was close to my main conductor, but my amazing doctor was able to burn it twice....Burning, I'm told, is more effective than freezing, so this was a good thing!
Here I am after surgery. I had to lie flat for 4 hours. I did pretty good, if I may say myself. I watched "Lady and the Tramp."
This is Kara - the wonderful lady - whose job is to keep me happy. On Tuesday when she asked me what I want on my procedure day, I told her a pet monkey. She said there was this monkey following her around everywhere today and wondered if I would take care of it for her already!
She called this monkey my "funky monkey" and I love it!
Finally after a 5 hour heart procedure and 4 hours of lying flat, I'm going home! Mom and Dad can hardly believe it! My nurse told me that if I had my tonsils out, I'd have a longer recovery. Isn't that just crazy?

I also had a nice visit from MeMa and Pop-Pop who brought Mommy and Daddy lunch. But, Mommy was forgetful and didn't remember to get a picture of them, so here's an awesome picture of them. MeMa told me on Tuesday that she had a surprise for me, but that I had to wait until Thursday. She had asked me last week what I'd like special for my surgery. I told her "a duck, a turtle or a monkey." MeMa is something else....Guess what her and Pop-Pop got me? I think she had some help from my aunt and uncle, too.

Yep! A turtle! And, I'm going to call it CRUSH!
I can't wait to he comes today - Friday!
Here's what is keeping me content for now...a balloon (it came with pretty flowers) from a really cool church - CMBC - we don't even go to the church who sent us the flowers and balloon, but they like hearing about what we're going to do in Montreal and they pray for us, so they sent me a special flower basket and nice!
....Wait a second. What was that?
"Mom, the UPS truck is here!!!"
Thanks for the update. It sounds like Morgan did great!!! I had been praying for her and you guys. It is scary when something is wrong with your child - let alone her heart. I am so glad this procedure is over. We had a teen in our youth group who had the same surgery. She is completely fine now. ;-) I love how you did the blog from Morgan's perspective. The turtle is SO cute!!!
ReplyDeleteSo thankful for God's wonderful provision and using the doctor's hands to heal Morgan. Many prayers have been answered.
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear Morgan is feeling better. Your family has been in our prayers. Danita also has a turtle if you need any pens we have a couple that her turtle has grown out of. Danean