Once upon a time, this house looked like....

It was owned by freed slaves.

The property was part of the

symbol in the center of this quilt was the secret sign that a property was part of the Underground Railroad.

Sadly, slavery was common in America in those days.
Do you see the slave auction sign in the picture below?
Slaves wore
slave yokes like these authentic yokes pictured below.
Here is a famous photo of
5 generations of slaves.
A slave yoke up close.
Pictured below is the camp director at the camp we stayed at during Candidate Orientation. He is a history buff and clearly explained the history of the camp's property.

A replica of the box a slave shipped himself in to escape slavery.

Our new missionary friend put himself in the box to get an idea of how
Henry "Box" Brown would have felt. Henry spent 27 hours in the box on his way to Philadelphia!
"Should I keep you in there for 27 hours????"
hee hee
So thankful our country has come such a long way!
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