Welcome to MELLETTE MOMENTS...a place to find out what's going on in Mellette's world. Pictures, stories, verses, and all kinds of JOYS from our JOURNEY will fill this blog.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Whoa! What a day!

My grandiose plans for the day included cooking and baking for Jerad's coworkers as they were coming over for a late lunch/meeting today at our home. The 2-hour delay threw things for a bit of a loop, but I was ready to be flexible! Also thrown into the mix was the 4-year-old I babysit and his older sister who came over around 9:30 this morning. I was going to take Gabriel & his friend to school around 10:00. Not too much time to get into too much trouble, right?
Well, as I was backing out the van - at the request of Gabriel who wanted to take a spin on his bike - I saw the little 4-year-old standing with a snowball on half of his face and Gabriel tackling Morgan to the ground. Apparently, Morgan threw a snowball at her little friend and Gabriel was "protecting" him by taking down Morgan.
After 3 doctor visits - one to the family doctor, one to get x-rays, and one to the orthopedic - Morgan is home with a fractured collarbone and a figure-8 style brace. She has to wear the brace for at least 4 weeks until she goes back to the doctor for more x-rays.
First off, I must say, THANK YOU LORD for YOUR PROTECTION! Secondly, THANK GOD for such great health care and health care professionals! At the first doctor's visit, Morgan was treated by one amazing woman who showed Morgan such compassion and kindness. The doctor gave Morgan 2 lollipops - one for now and one for later. She knew Morgan would need it! After the doctor left, Morgan looked at me and said,

"Mommy, can I eat my one lollipop now and can I give Gabriel the other one?" Is that true forgiveness or what?!? Her response reminds me of the verse in Colossians, chapter 3, verse 13.
It says, "Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."
I was so proud of her...and still am! I wish I could say that Morgan maintained this kind of forgiving attitude all day, but she's human and she is only 4 years old. Her pain was getting to her later in the day, but overall, she is showing Gabriel love regardless of her circumstances.
So, my day didn't go at all like I thought it would...nor will my tomorrow. I was so excited to go to a friend's home with another friend to deliver breakfast in the morning. The woman we were going to deliver breakfast to just gave birth to adorable twin girls 7 weeks ago. But, the weather looks like it won't be very nice anyways....
So, now my little Morgan is sportin' a brace and remember that little accident she had this summer with the teeter totter...3 missing front teeth...she's my little trooper! She's quite the victim...and yet, she's still SO adorable! I love her so! I love her big brother, too. His heart is so sensitive and big!
If you think to pray for Morgan, please pray for Gabriel, too...he's having a hard time, too. It's been quite the learning lesson for my 6-year-old.
May God grant this Mellette family a peaceful Wednesday! AH!

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