Welcome to MELLETTE MOMENTS...a place to find out what's going on in Mellette's world. Pictures, stories, verses, and all kinds of JOYS from our JOURNEY will fill this blog.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Quebec Makes a World News

Viewed from the outside, Quebec often seems like a place where all life orbits around the political destiny of a French-speaking province in an English-speaking state. Lately even religious headwear has entered the fray.

The trigger is a heatedly debated plan by the ruling party, the separatist Parti Quebecois, to make the provincial government religion-neutral. It wants to do so by banning symbols of religious faith such as Jewish skullcaps, Sikh turbans, Muslim head scarves and large crucifixes from public work places.

And as usual, the measure is being read also for what it says about the ruling party's perennial goal of making Quebec independent of the rest of Canada. The analysis is that with support for separatism weakened, and an election being predicted for December, something spectacular is needed to rally the party base.

But the proposal appears to be losing support with that base, and if anyone is being mobilized, it's the opposition. In recent weeks Montreal has witnessed the rare spectacle of thousands of protesting Muslims, Jews and Sikhs marching together through the streets.

"I just want to be able to wear what I want; I don't see why anyone can tell me what to put on my head," Saara Khan, a Montreal Muslim high schooler who wears a head scarf, said at a recent protest.

The proposed ban, part of what the Quebec government calls its "charter of values," has divided the province of 8.1 million though polls show it holds more support among French-speakers.
The Parti Quebecois is a minority government and will need opposition votes to pass the charter, which won't happen without it being softened considerably.

Montreal, a mix of classic North American skyscrapers and the charm and style of a French city, has added a new layer of personality over the past decade with an influx of Muslim immigrants from North Africa.

But critics say the government is promoting the charter to play on fears of religious minorities, particularly among rural voters who rarely have immigrants for neighbors. The Parti Quebecois also is once again sounding the warning that the French language is under threat and needs a boost lest it become "anglicized."

The ban on religious headwear, the most disputed element of the proposed charter, would apply to anyone working in public institutions, including day care workers, doctors, nurses, teachers and police officers.

When announcing the plan in early September, the PQ used cartoon graphics to show what would and wouldn't be permitted. Inconspicuous necklaces and earrings would be fine. But skullcaps, turbans, head scarves, veils and any prominent religious symbol would be banned.

Introducing the charter, Bernard Drainville, the minister responsible, said the new rules would help unify society, ensuring the state's neutrality and gender equality.

"In a society that's more and more multicultural, there need to be common rules and values," Drainville said. How would the rules be enforced? By "common sense," he replied.

France has been pointed to as an inspiration, with its banning of the face-covering burqa and religious symbols in state schools.
Elsewhere in Canada, reactions have been fierce. The federal Conservative government says it will fight the change in court. The Ontario legislature has passed a motion of condemnation, and Naheed Nenshi, the Muslim mayor of Calgary, has invited religious minorities to move to his city where "we don't care how you worship."
Several former Quebec premiers have spoken out against their party's intentions. One of them, Jacques Parizeau, recently wrote in Le Journal de Montreal that the plan stems from fear of Islam, because "About the only contact most Quebecers have with the Islamic world is through images of violence..."
Akli Ourdja, part of a North African group that supports the charter, cites the example of his native Algeria and the suffering inflicted there by the mixing of religion and politics.
"What I find discouraging is the intellectuals and the media who are trying to say the charter is against immigrants," he told The Associated Press. "On the contrary, this will allow us to live together more harmoniously."
But some of the strongest criticism comes from representatives of the religions.
Quebec's leading Catholic bishop, Msgr. Pierre-Andre Fournier, has suggested the effort could create cultural "ghettos."
"Women will stay at home and will not integrate, and neither will their children," he said at a news conference.
David Ouellette, associate director of Quebec's Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, said the proposal has left Jews hurt and worried.
"The neutrality of the state is already firmly entrenched," he told AP. "The government is unable to explain on what basis it proposes to impose such severe restrictions on freedoms and rights."
Some worry the ban would force them to choose between their religion and their job. Some employers are also concerned. Hospitals are seeking a permanent exemption on the grounds the measure would create tensions and drive away talent.
Michel Lincourt, who heads an association of Quebec secularists, defends the proposal and wants it to go further by removing the crucifix from the legislature.
"This is for our future," he said to AP.
"If we want everyone to be treated the same way, regardless of their religion, their beliefs, or where they are from, then secularism is what allows this to happen."
Meanwhile, the extent of the ban remains uncertain, with special attention focusing on the large crucifix hanging in the provincial legislature.
When the ban was first proposed, Drainville insisted that "The crucifix is there to stay, in the name of history, in the name of heritage." But on Wednesday the Montreal daily La Presse reported that the government was considering removing it.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

"I never knew there was a Jesus!"

...That was the comment by one 7-year-old girl who was brought to VBS by one of the little church boys here.  Our church boy quickly responded by saying, "Well, that's because you don't come to our church!" 
     So many of my updates have been focused on the youth ministry, so I thought I'd send one out focusing on our children's ministry.  Wanda and I have been involved in Grace Church's VBS this week, and we have been so excited to see so many unchurched kids coming out.  The girl who just 'met Jesus' takes home a notebook every night to her unchurched parents, who help her complete all of the activities in the book.  Please continue to pray for these dear little children, who are proving to be windows into the homes of so many families.   Blessings!
but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs

Monday, June 3, 2013

First of Our Youth Group Summer Tour

Similar to our sending church's way-of-doing-things, we have begun our Youth Group Summer Tour where we have youth group at different people's homes.  Our first stop was at the Pastor's home - Brad & Melissa Mellette (Jerad's younger brother).  We enjoyed game time in their backyard, snacks and then our Itdiscussion time in the basement.  We talked about qualities of "The PERFECT FATHER" - it was incredible hearing some of the kids' responses...

It was great to hear that teens even want discipline & punishments
from their parents.  Why?  It further validates what Proverbs 13:24 says...

If you don’t correct your children, you don’t love them. If you love them, you will be quick to discipline them." 

Pretty awesome that the kids were quoting a Bible verse and didn't even realize it!
Here are some photos from our evening...Enjoy!



Tuesday, May 14, 2013

God of Wonders

God of Wonders beyond our galaxies...You are holy!

In honor of the country God has called us to, here is a special video clip for you to watch...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Tonight Morgan and I went to a women's prayer meeting entitled Women's Missionary Fellowship at Grace Church. It's a group of great ladies who meet on the first Tuesday of each month and pray for the missionaries the church supports. Each month they also have a project that they give things to...this month it was our own Synergy Youth Group!!

Ladies brought all kinds of snacks that our teens love: soda, cookies, chips, granola bars - even Oreos for our one youth leader who is allergic to dairy products and Oreos are dairy-free!!!

So, what does all this mean to me? It's a lot less work and time for me, plus it saves us money each Sunday night! Wahoo! I feel like someone just offered to pay for our supper for the next two months!!!

Praise the Lord with us for this unexpected blessing!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

YouTube Video

The Promise of Pizza by Jerad

I should really make a habit of sending out weekly updates, because so much has happened since my last update, I apologize for not updating you all sooner. 

Items of Praise:
1)  We praise God for an excellent missions conference at our home church, Christian Fellowship Church.  We were so blessed to meet with supporters and prayer partners, and I only wish we'd had more hours in the day to meet with all of you.  Thank you so much for the prayers, well-wishes, and great questions about God's work up here in Lasalle.
2)  We also praise God for the work team that came up last week from Mount Calvary Christian School in Elizabethtown.  We claimed 1 Thessalonians 5:17, "Pray without ceasing."  Such simple words, but so misunderstood, and more importantly, not practiced.  In addition to the various work projects that the team completed with joy, eagerness and enthusiasm, they were each given a prayer card with specific items that they were responsible to pray for throughout the day.  On Thursday, we culminated this focus by a series of prayer walks throughout the church and Lasalle.  Satan's stronghold is slowly being pushed back as a result.  Praise be to God!
3)  Praise God for an excellent Bible Study yesterday at the high school.  I went in for junior lunch (7th and 8th grade), after promising pizza, and two kids were there.  One was a regular in our youth group.  The other was a staunch atheist (very well spoken for a 7th grader), whose name is Bobby.  In the process of conversation he shared that he will never get married or have kids because, "What's the point?  We're all going to die anyway."  I told him I liked his honesty, and he reminded me of a guy in the Bible who wrote an entire book basically breaking down that thought process (Solomon, Ecclesiastes).  During the conversation, he admitted that the thought of death scared him.  When I asked him why that was, he didn't have an answer.  I shared Ecclesiastes 3:11, where Solomon says, "...He has put eternity in their hearts...".  I asked him if he believed that people had a soul, and he said he thought so.  I told him his fear of death and his belief that we possess a soul (he didn't want to use that word, but admitted that he felt their was an unseen spiritual side of us), was put there by God.  That's what that verse means.  God wants to be known.  He asked a lot more questions, and promised to come back next week. 
Then I stayed for senior lunch (9th, 10th and 11th grade), where we had 2 new kids, and two kids who hadn't been there in a couple of weeks, which was very encouraging.  One of the new kids raised her hand during the discussion and said, "Wait a minute.  I'm a 7th Day Adventist.  Is it okay if I'm here?"  Of course I said, "Absolutely!"  We continued our conversation about faith (Rachel, one of the unsaved girls who comes every week, asks a lot of questions about faith), so I approached it from the standpoint that real faith produces some sort of action.  I shared various characters in the Bible whose faith drove them to do something (Abraham, Moses, David, disciples, people who Jesus healed, etc.), and then I shared how Bobby had shown faith earlier when the promise of pizza caused him to follow his friend, and his faith was rewarded.  Please pray for Bobby, Rachel, Daniel, Kaitlyn and Nikita; all unsaved kids who come out to this Bible study.
Items of Prayer:
1)  I am taking a group of kids to a TobyMac and Jamie Grace concert tomorrow.  .  Please pray that kids' hearts would be touched and that the Gospel would be clearly presented. 
2)  Please pray for increased attendance with the Bible study.  I was convicted the other day of my hesitancy to pray for more people.  I have always believed that it doesn't matter how many people come, and I believe that.  But it is not wrong to pray for large numbers.  On the contrary, the more kids come, the more kids get exposed to the Gospel.
3)  The 17-year-old nephew of one of the leaders of the Mount Calvary group died unexpectedly last week.  Please pray for the family.
4)  The youth group.  Please pray that I would be sensitive to the Spirit's leading as I plan for each Sunday.  Pray that new kids would come out, and that our regulars who are unsaved would respond in faith to the gospel.
If we enjoy any success in our ministry, it is because God honors and answers the prayers of you beautiful praying saints.  Know our family prays for you on a daily basis as well.  Blessings to you!  

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Our First Missions Team in Montreal

  Mount Calvary Christian School's National Honor Society's Mission Team to Montreal

Monday, April 22 - Friday, April 26 marked our very first mission team to Montreal from good ol' Lancaster County, PA!  The team was comprised of 13 juniors and seniors with 4 chaperones from Elizabethtown, PA.  The one high school senior was one of Wanda's cousin's daughters and Wanda's cousin's husband served as one of the chaperones, too.  So, it was refreshing to spend some time with family!

This group was extremely hard-working, flexible and kept an attitude of prayer the entire time they were here.  Here are just some of the amazing service projects they were involoved in....

Prayer Walks

Window cleaning at Grace Church & at a Local Women's Shelter

Ministering to individuals at Grace Church who needed a helping hand in their home
Helping a family at Grace Church to unpack and organize after a recent move

Cleaning and more cleaning
Praying for Grace Church, youth group kids AND the needs of the people of Montreal

We had a great experience with this group and praise God for each one who came and served us at Grace Church!!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

I saw this quote on a Facebook post from a school I worked at for 5 years in York, Pennsylvania.  They peppered this quote around the school building for Valentine's Day.  Precious! 

Happy Valentine's Day to you from Montreal!  We are enjoying a fun day today.  Gabriel, our Little Bear, surprised us all by buying his sister a special chocolate Valentine.  On Tuesday, he went to the Pharmacy with Jerad and Morgan and appeared to "wander off".  When Jerad finally found him, he was ready to have a serious talking to!  But, Gabriel whispered..."Dad, I was buying Morgan a secret Valentine!"  Too precious.  We've had our moments these past 5 months with our children, but this is one I hope to remember for a VERY long time.

This week Jerad continued his Bible study in a local public school.  He has been so blessed by this opportunity.  He has a good core of 8 students who are faithfully coming out.  Thank you for your prayers regarding this.  Continue to pray for more open doors and for a revival among that campus and across Montreal.

I'm busy preparing lessons for our upcoming Missions Conference at Grace Church.  I love doing what I feel called to do.  God is so good and His blessings are abundant.

Psalm 84 is a beautiful passage.  I encourage you to read it in its entirety.  Here is a snapshot.  The words in bold are what the Lord brought to mind today.  Enjoy!

Better is one day in your courts
than a thousand elsewhere;
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
than dwell in the tents of the wicked.
For the Lord God is a sun and shield;
the Lord bestows favor and honor;
no good thing does he withhold
from those whose walk is blameless.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Our Daughter's Baptism and Testimony

Morgan with her cousin, Kaylee, at the airport (Kaylee is wearing the sunglasses)

Link to the video: Morgan's Testimony

My name is Morgan and this is my testimony.  I was 5 years old and was coming home from my aunt’s house.  I asked my mom about my cousin’s grandpa who we all called Pop-Pop Floyd – he died in a well-drilling accident 3 days after Christmas in 2007. I asked her how I can see Pop-Pop Floyd again.  My mom said you can only see him if you trust Jesus as your Savior.  I wanted to see Pop-Pop Floyd and Jesus.  I accepted Jesus in my heart and I asked Him to forgive me.  I may have only been 5 but I know I’m a Christian. 

Two months before I came to know Jesus, I was in a teeter-totter accident and 3 of my front teeth came out.  Six months after I came to know Jesus I broke my collarbone.   I cut my finger a year later and needed it glued back together.  I broke my collarbone again right before I went into 2nd grade.  One year ago tomorrow on January 28, I was in the Emergency Room with a rapid heartbeat of 230 beats a minute.  A few weeks later I had heart surgery.  I ended my 2nd grade year with a concussion from a bicycle accident.  

It’s not always easy to be a Christian, especially when bad things like that happen.  It was hard moving to Montreal from Pennsylvania this past September, but I’ve been reading my devotions every day and that helps. 

My favorite verse is John 3:16, For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Brr! It's Chilly!

 * * * * Here's what it looks like outside our window and here are some silly snow jokes! * * * *

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You can't even see the road in front of our house!
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Q: What do snowmen eat for lunch ?
A: Icebergers !

Our Neighbor's Snow and Driveway!

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Q: What kind of math do Snowy Owls like?
A: Owlgebra.

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Q: What time is it when little white flakes fall past the classroom window?A: Snow and Tell.
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At our front door
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Q: What do you call ten Arctic hares hopping backwards through the snow together?A: A receding hare line.
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Q: How do you keep the snow from giving you cold feet?A: Don't go around BRRfooted!

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It's 8 degrees Fahrenheit here AND it's snowing! 
What's it doing outside your window?


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“Though your sins are like scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They shall be as wool."
From Isaiah 1:18
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