Welcome to MELLETTE MOMENTS...a place to find out what's going on in Mellette's world. Pictures, stories, verses, and all kinds of JOYS from our JOURNEY will fill this blog.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Program Highlights

See Pretty Little Princess on the far right? And Little Bear in the front row, 2nd from the left?

Such a ham!

Two of our nephews....the red dressed king and the cutie pie down front

Our nephew and the Pretty Little Princess as an ANGEL

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Montreal Revisted Part 3

Snow was on the ground when we arrived in Canada, so of course, our pretty little princess made a wonderful snow bear!

An American Thanksgiving in Canada!

Ben - outside of Ben's

Inside the underground mall

I was so proud of myself - while Jerad was meeting with a pastor to tell about our ministry plans, I took the kids to a coffee shop ALL BY MYSELF! The barista understood English, PHEW! I was also proud of myself for resisting the cookies and opting for diet food!

Such great memories!!!

Montreal Revisted Part 2

Saint Joseph's Oratory

A visit to Quebec's largest Catholic church

Different Shrines at the Catholic Church

Anyone know anything about a 2-headed apostle? - See the middle statue.
Good Catholics can lit a candle for $5!!! Less fortunate Catholics can pay $1 to light smaller candles. So sad!

Shrine to a man - not to our Creator
A place to confess one's sins to their priest...again, another sad reminder of how different Catholicism is from our relationship with God is - we as Christians have a direct access to God the Father through His Son, Jesus.

The canes from all the people who were "healed" by Brother Andrew....quite interesting.
The rock where water supposedly comes from the rock perpetually

It was so super windy outside, but after being in such a spiritually dark place (inside the basilica), it was refreshing to be outside.

Our nephew Ben came along this time to experience Montreal

The bike bridge - for bicycles, roller blades, and walkers only - no cars.

Montreal Revisited part 1

"Mr. Horst, they've got taters in Canada, too!"
Two cute Canadians
Our Canadian niece and nephew

His and Her Heelys for Christmas!!!!
Children's Christmas practice at Grace Church of Lasalle

My niece's faithful "nanny" and her husband. Each and every Sunday this dear couple cares for my niece and nephew while their mommy and daddy do their many jobs at church.
Cousin bonding...