Easter flowers from my sister before she went on a family vacation

An impromptu present for my classroom from my mom!
(It's a slipcover!)

Daily warm drinks from my husband during my quiet time with Jesus

GIFTS from my dad when he went on a missions/hunting trip to South Africa. He shopped for the WHOLE family - grandkids and all! SO thoughtful, unexpected AND unnecessary!

Sensenigs Cleaning Service arrived at my house yesterday!

For someone who is a GIFTED in the area of CLEANING, I'm sure she was a bit appalled at the state of the Mellette household, but she wanted to help the cause. She brought her wonderful helpers, too. Her daughter helped clean my daughter's room.

And, her son helped clean my son's room. What a gift! Their help gave me the boost and encouragement I needed to wash all my windows and make the house look presentable!

Earlier this week, my dear friend got to work in her kitchen to make my family a meal. Unexpected and SO appreciated!

She picks up my son every Tuesday from school to take him to piano lessons. She is a fabulous piano teacher to both of our children and then she went on to make us a meal. Whoa. So sweet, thoughtful and the meal was mmmmm good!

Then, above all, there's my Savior, my dearest friend, my Love....my God. He went ahead of time to bless me and redeem me by allowing His Son, Jesus to pay the price for MY sin. He allowed Himself to be crucified in the cruelest of ways to give ME grace and redemption. He provided a way to have a personal, intimate relationship with a Sovereign, Loving God. An amazing factor in our relationship is that I get to worship a RISEN SAVIOR! He's alive! After being killed on a cross, He became ALIVE and today, I serve God who isn't fashioned from stone - no, He moved a stone to show the world that He indeed is ALIVE!

Happy Easter to YOU! Hoping you can enjoy some unexpected joyful surprises in your life, too.