Welcome to MELLETTE MOMENTS...a place to find out what's going on in Mellette's world. Pictures, stories, verses, and all kinds of JOYS from our JOURNEY will fill this blog.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Wonderful Wonderland!

Free tickets to a fun place with my hubby, our children and 4 of their cousins! So, it was my hubby and 6 kids - if you're adding correctly! It was soooo much fun!

Frog & Toad friend

Can you tell we spent a lot of time in lines...we have several close-ups! What else were we going to do while we waited?!!?

Sharing the same IQ...whoops! I mean spot in line!

Handsome 7th grade nephew!

Nice Niece

Dad & Mom/Uncle & Aunt chillaxin' on the Lazy Lagoon ride

Ol' friends we saw at the amusement park

The Flume!!!

Girls in one log and boys in the other!

Astronauts in training!

Exactly nineteen years apart!

A great day filled with great memories!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Walk Down Memory Lane

Brace yourself.
This is me.
This is me at 11 years old.

This is a picture of me
at the same age as the students I'm teaching!
Okay, that's frightening!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Family Fun - Amish Style

My family and I had the privilege of being invited to one of my sister's friends' home for dinner. It was AMAZINGLY yummy! The food, fellowship and FUN we had will be a night we'll always cherish! Our son asked our host AND hostess different times if we could come back for Thanksgiving dinner! He also asked if he could move in! Has it really been that long since my family had a good home cooked meal?!!?

Inside the eldest son's supped up buggie!

The kiddos enjoyed checking out the inside of the buggie.

Behind my niece was a curtain separating the seating area from the HUGE speakers in the buggie! Apparently, the speakers get hooked up to the son's iPod! A new generation of Amish!

Too cute climbing

My one nephew found some peanuts and made his own makeshift basketball game with the peanuts and a birdbath!

Getting his ammo ready!

Are you looking at me?

The kiddos playing around

I think my nephew would be okay with having this for his first vehicle!

Too cool for words

Posing in front of the buggie!

Hiding from the ball in "ball tag"
My three nieces played a trick on us. As the parents talked and the younger kiddos played outside, we noticed that the daughter of the house had not only one friend over after dinner, but 3 more! We hadn't even seen their buggy pull up! The girls were all busy drying the dishes, but then they turned around....

My nieces going Amish!

They really fit the part! My great grandparents would be proud!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I Love My Family!

Whether it's the whole fam all together at once

or just the eldest bunch
or the patriarchs

the silly ones

the chocolate ones

the accident prone ones

the Kentuckin', French/Egyptian/Greek ones

or the cute cousins

-again, the cute cousins -

or ones who haven't been reunited but once in 10 years

I adore them all

and praise God for each

and every one

for there is always an adventure

always a thrill

always humor

and sometimes affection

in brotherly love

and sisterly kindness

family and friends alike

I adore you

and Love each

and every one!